Heaven and Earth Connections
At Heaven and Earth Connections we are committed to aiding the individual in their journey to becoming completely balanced in body mind and spirit. Healing is the by product of a peaceful mind. The mind becomes peaceful and still when the ego is no longer continually thinking, about pain or trauma from the past, and a future that has not yet happened. Silence of the ego mind is gained through the healing of mental / emotional pain and trauma. There are many different paths to balance and wholeness, and different avenues may be combined. The path to wholeness and wellness is a Journey. It is the greatest journey of your life. We would love to be a part of your journey and invite you to begin on your journey together us. Joy, Peace, Happiness and Contentment can become a part of your life. So whether or not you have already begun your journey, We invite you to call and make an appointment for a personal consultation and treatment today.
While we do not have a permanent physical location at this time for some of our services, all of our service are available in the comfort and privacy of your own home or office. Some of our services are available for Events like Parties, Fund raisers, Employee aprecciation Days and Bridal Showers.
The Mediumship / Intuitive Development Class is Friday Evenings 7PM -9PM $20.00
The Message Circle meets on Saturday Evenings 7:00 PM - 9:00PM
$15.00 or 2/$25 Please call to Reserve your place. 585 - 472 - 4661 for location and further information.
The Deeksha / Oneness Blessings Circle meets on in the
Blossom Business Center, 595 Blossom Rd. Rochester NY. 14610
Suite #315
Every Thursday Evening at 7:00 PM. Via MeetGoole
Forms of Payment accepted:
Cash, Visa , Master Card, Discover & Paypal
To Schedule Readings & Healing Session Appointments :
Phone: 585-472-4661
email: kalistara11@yahoo.com